Monday, March 23, 2015


The moment of victory is so short to dwell on it alone all your life and nothing else.
Life is so short to be spent fighting and quarelling.
Time is so short that it should be used judiciously.
Our dreams are so short that we should not dwarf them with procrastination.
Our love is so short that partners should be ready to make sacrifices to be together.
Our achievements are so short that we have to build on them to make them grow.

The world is so short to notice the awesome presence of God and we keep drifting away from him.
Our visions are so short that we don't see solutions right in front of us.
Our brains are so short that all some think of is food and sex.
Our economy is so short that we need focused and sharp minds to revive it.
Nigeria is so short that we can't afford to have a dull president.
Our relationships are so short that they are sometimes counter- productive.
Too many short things can only lead to failure. LET'S GET OUR PRIORITIES RIGHT. GOD HELP US ALL

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