Tuesday, March 17, 2015


We live in a world of diverse relationships. The internet and the advent of social media has made it easier to start relationships with people all over the world. Some 'social media stunts' have led to serious relationships and friendships. Some marriages are products of friendly chats on facebook, twitter, etc.

This laudable development has some shortcomings. The normal wooing, unending calls and visits are gradually being replaced by DMs, BBM pings, facebook chats and the likes. Increasingly, people fall in love with an illusion and not the person. I have heard of marriages by couples who have not met physically. Incidences like this are obviously on the rise.

There has been age long 'war of the sexes' as regards the gender most associated with infidelity. We all know the widespread view about males been the guilty party. This view is gradually being debated at various fora. Couples spending more time chatting via electronic/social media either due to job constraints or distance has reduced the much needed bonding time for healthy relationships. The result is that some people end up married to virtual strangers.

It is well known that 'toasting' has been a masculine thing. Due to this, Males are seen to have a greater propensity to cheat. Well, this is the 21st century. Some women have started asking men out and proposing to them in some cases. This has also increased their likelihood to be unfaithful. Maybe, men flirt more. I'm not convinced that they actually cheat more. Besides, barring homosexuality, the man has to cheat with a woman, who may as well be in a serious relationship.

I am of the opinion that Fidelity is a thing of the mind and has little or nothing to do with gender. All humans are tempted. But, there is a greater moral call to be faithful in relationships especially in Marriages. Let's just forget the unsubstantiated accusations and statistics. Women are known to be more vocal about relationship issues. It naturally follows that there are more reported cases of infidelity on the part of men. If we change our thought process, we'll develop happier relationships and marriages in the long run. Shalom.

Copyright..Valentine Onunkwo

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