Monday, April 6, 2015


It's a glorious day for all Christians. The long awaited Easter Sunday is here. After forty days of Lent, a gruelling crucifixion, HE AROSE!!! Death could not hold him bound. Jesus conquered death to release us from the grip of the devil and free us from slavery to sin. He arose and lives forever with his Saints to reign.

After the fall of man, God gave up his only begotten son for the sake of mankind. God became man just to redeem man. God's love for man was so pure that despite man's endless failings, he never gave up. Jesus lived among us, endured human nature, was betrayed by man and even suffered a cruel death just for our sake. What did the 'son of man' not do for the world? Nothing if you ask me.

Hell rejoiced at his death. The fate of mankind was uncertain on 'Good Friday'. If Christ didn't rise up, doom would have been our portion. But Jesus conquered death. He emerged victorious over the dark domain. He liberated us and set 'the captives' free. In his resurrection, we have renewed hope and vigour to sail on.

By design or sheer coincidence, this Easter celebration comes at a vital point in Nigeria. One round of elections has ended and we look forward to the next one. Change has come to Nigeria. My prayer is that Nigeria shall RISE with the risen Christ and overcome her present Challenges. There's much to be hopeful for. May the Blessings of Easter reside with us now and forever. Happy Easter. Shalom.

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