Sunday, June 7, 2015


The history of mankind isn't complete without a mention of the fall of man. As Christians, we know how the serpent deceived man through the woman and the blame game that ensued afterwards. Man blamed God and the woman, the woman transferred same to the serpent. None accepted responsibility. This scenario recurs in our daily lives. We blame God for our shortcomings, parents blame children and teachers, husbands blame wives, leaders blame followers and vice versa.

Looking for scapegoats may help you sleep well at night but merely postpones doomsday. Even the devil needs your consent to continually oppress you. We just have to accept responsibility for our errors and position ourselves on the road to redemption. God can't save us without us. Most problems in the world will be solved if only leaders and followers stopped passing the buck. Abdication of responsibility is always counterproductive.

My pal, Neil Vermillion says more about this:

How many times do we blame God for the things we are responsible for causing? It could be from our negligence, or it could be from our denial, or it could be from our willfull disobedience - in any case, many times we want to absolve ourselves from the real responsibility for things, so we blame God.

As humans, we've been given stewardship over the Earth. We should be exercising our dominion taking care of the planet, along with the creatures and the people on it. Yet, how many times do we find people wanting to blame God for problems in this world, as if it were God's responsibility?

The truth is, humans have a tendency to blame God for problems they are responsible for creating in the first place. This is a sobering idea, but it's true nonetheless. It would be better if we would quit blaming God and start taking responsible action to clean up the mess.

May God help us as we seek to redress our mistakes and set things right, Amen. 

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