Tuesday, July 21, 2015


If you believe that all men/women are evil, kindly stay single. That prejudice is a volcano that can tear down any home.

Before u sit down and daydream about Mr/Mrs perfect, what do u have to offer? An honest answer to that question is priceless.

I feel sorry for young ladies taking relationship advice from old spinsters. Same goes for guys being mentored by 'emeritus' bachelors. You don't ask an obese person for tips on weight loss.

Marriage isn't for everyone. Some people can't stay happily married to anyone. If you are that type, embrace change or spend your 'single' life in service to God and humanity.

Successful relationships and marriages are built on sacrifice and mutual respect. One person can't always  have the final answer.

Nobody is perfect. However, our imperfections are no excuses for docility. Always strive to improve yourself in all aspects.

God made all things beautiful. If your life doesn't radiate beauty, you may need to reaccess and realign your priorities. I'm not referring to just physical wealth but rather your thought process and impact on the lives of others.

Let's love one another. Everyone you meet is running a different race with different challenges. Never judge a book by it's cover and don't always seek to receive. Touch someone's life today and you may have healed a nation.

This is just another collection of my thoughts. Imbibe the message. I'll love to hear from you all. Thanks.

Copyright    Valentine Onunkwo. (2015)

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