Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Recruiter's Assessment of Nigerian Jobseekers

Recently, i decided to conduct an interview and select some candidates who might be working with my organization. Currently we are trying to expand our operations and see how we can get new leads and probably close more deals. And from my survey, there are hundreds and possibly thousands of unemployed graduates here in Nairaland so i decided to concentrate on recruiting from here. 

Now because of the nature of the job and also with a view in cutting cost around physical recruitment exercise, I decided to conduct the whole process online. 

567 applications where received. I had to employ the services an outside consultant to help with the process which i also fully participated. Below are my shocking experiences with job seekers in this forum. I pray they read this and improve on themselves. 

1. CV and cover letter.
I remember explicitly asking for their CV and cover letter to be forwarded to a particular email address. A huge percentage of the applicants just sent an empty email with their CV as an attachment. Not even an application letter. In case you dont know, a very quick assessment can be done on you by just reading your application or cover letter. You don't just attach your CV and forward to an email address without a cover letter. It means you are not serious and you may NEVER get called for an interview. 

Good Attributes of Guys which some ladies take for granted

Equality is a big problem among both sexes today. There is a common saying these days that "what a man can do a woman can do better" and it is no longer news that finding a perfect partner is impossible but as impossible as it is, some people still like to say they have found a perfect partner. Its not because they have really found a perfect man or woman but one who fits in perfectly.

Understanding is what makes a person fit in perfectly but it is rather sad to see some guys getting heart broken for their nice and cool attitudes. Some girls think its their right to have a nice guy around them but the truth is,  rather than feel it its your right, just be grateful you have a great guy.

Whereas some girls pray for a good guy, others take the guys they have for granted.
Some attitudes in guys which girls take for granted include:

1. GENEROSITY   - In this context, generosity is in terms of finances. Simply because he is generous enough to spend doesn't make it your right. Lots of girls are quick to abuse this gesture taking it as a sole entitlement. Some guys have the cash but will never spend it on a girl. So if a guy spends on you, don't take it as an opportunity to open an office or extort him. Learn to say thank you because the fact is, a guy gives because he wants to not because he has to. There's nowhere its written where a guy has to be financially responsible for you because he's dating you.

2. GENTILITY - A guy who treats you like a queen should be seen as a king. Simply because he's calm, polite, courteous doesn't mean he can't be bad or rude. Its really sad to see some ladies tarnishing the image of a guy they claim to love simply because he treats them with courtesy. A lot of simple, calm, polite guys are often taken as maga, they seem to be seen as weak when in actual sense they are the real men who know what it is to take care of a woman.


A relationship isn't a relationship until you are with your friend.
Some say love brings people together but friendship keeps them forever. 
Attraction is good, romance even better but how long can these sustain if you aren't with a friend?

Love they say never dies but like a plant, it has to be nurtured to get the best out of it. If studied closely, you will realise that those who make their lovers their best friends then to have a healthier relationship because where love fails friendship bridges. 

There are numerous ways to achieve this which I know works for a lot of people.

1. Be a playmate as well as a confidant.
2. Be approachable 
Don't be the kind whose 1st reaction is to blow alarm. Apply wisdom.
3. Understand their immediate need.
At every moment people's need vary. Don't start undressing when he/she just wants to talk.


The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) says with the unfolding of events; the deliberate infractions and crass abuse of power by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led APC Federal Government, it is no longer in doubt that the nation is on a quick slide into fascism and official terrorism.

Victor Terhemba : Nigerian Voters don't decide who wins an election‎

In any democratic election, the electorates (voters) determine the outcome of such elections and because of this privilege, they are treated like mini gods by politicians in other more civilised climes. In such countries, politicians respect the sovereignty of the electorates because they know their chances of winning are solely dependant on the will of the voters. But such is not the case in Nigeria and Africa to a large extent.


A lady worked at a meat distribution factory. One day, when she finished with her work schedule, she went into the meat cold room (Freezer) to inspect something, but in a moment of misfortune, the door closed and she was locked inside with no help in sight. Although she screamed and knocked with all her might, her cries went unheard as no one could hear her. Most of the workers had already gone, and outside the cold room it's impossible to hear what was going on inside.